Sunday, November 06, 2005

I love the fact that Italians like to take extra vacation days around holidays. Since Tuesday, All Saints Day, was a holiday for Italy, naturally, Italians took off Monday, Halloween, as well. Some even take off Friday and the following Wednesday just to get an extra long weekend. Naturally, Dave and I had to exploit the situation and take an over night trip to Nice, France. This is a great shot of the bay for the main tourist area of Nice from the hill next to the city. We ate well, walked a lot, and managed to get see all the highlights in less than 24 hours. Go us!
Genova (10/27/2005)

Genoa (or Genova in Italian) I went there with a group of 4 other ROSE School students to attend a lecture on structural vulnerability, and then spent the rest of the evening goofing off down at the water front. We met up with 2 other Fulbrights, Dryden and Brian who are doing research for their history PhD's in Genova, for dinner. After dinner, we ran to the train station to catch the last train leaving for Pavia, and fortunately, we made it too. It was a nice day. Genova is very beautiful and definitely worth a return trip.

Along the port in Genova, we found this big steel tube thing and decided that it would be a bunches of fun to try and fun up the sides of it and get our pictures in the progress. Needless to say, we managed to entertain ourselves for about 30 min doing this. Turns out the Giovanni here wins the prize for best picture for running up the wall. Congrats!