Eric's Italian Adventure (12/27/2005 - 1/6/2006)

Eric's big trip to Italy started off with a bang, we saw one of the 4 markers from Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons," but then kind of sputtered out a little bit after a 4 hour wait in Rome station. The rest of the iternary went as follows: Fly into Rome and go directly to Pavia, then Pavia, Verona, Venice, and the last few days in Rome. The total trip took up 10 days. I think that although we had our weather, transportation, and cold setbacks, the overall trip was a huge success.
Randomly, I found your blog looking for other posts on Pavia. I'm an American married to an Italian living in Borgo Ticino (on the other side of the center in Pavia). Maybe talk to you soon!
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